Kim Lab
Kim Lab

Welcome! This site provides a pictorial tour of our laboratory and experimental apparati that are currently in use. Note that things generally look better in pictures than in real life...caveat emptor!

Songs to listen in Seattle:

1. Rain - The Beatles

2. Who'll Stop The Rain - The Creedence Clearwater Revival

3. See The Sky About To Rain - Neil Young

4. All I Needed Was The Rain - Elvis Presley

5. Let It Rain - Eric Clapton

6. Rain and Your Story - Boohwal (Ressurection)

7. Dry The Rain - The Beta Band

8. Fool In The Rain - Led Zeppelin

9. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall - Bob Dylan

10. November Rain - Guns N' Roses

11. Purple Rain - Prince

12. Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles

The Guthrie Hall (circa 1973) is the main building to the Department of Psychology. The building is named in honor of Edwin R. Guthrie (1886-1959), a great learning theorist. Guthrie's (1936) mononomothetic learning theory states, "A combination of stimuli which has accompanied a movement will on its recurrence tend to be followed by that movement". Basically, this simple phrase can account for many associative learning phenomena, including learning sans reinforcement (+/-) and learning with a single experience. Now, if you were to modernize the phrase to "A combination of stimuli which has accompanied a significant neural activity will on its recurrence tend to be followed by that neural activity", one can easily see that Guthrie's phrase anticipated one of the pillars of modern neuroscience.

Our laboratory consists of a main room, six satellite rooms, and a vivarium.